We are just starting to see the temperatures rise (FINALLY!) and I know that many of you feel the same feelings that I am--excitement that the weather is adjusting more toward Spring. For our family, like many, it is Lent Season and we focus on either taking something away or adding something that we have gotten away from that we need in our lives.
My Lenten promise this year is to write in my journal. This may not seem like a large commitment but for me it has been something that I have not been consistent but enjoy doing very much. Writing about what I am grateful for each day, recapping all of the great things that happened and who I am thankful for is such a great way for me to recap my day. I am not trying to deny if something bad happens in a day, but reminding myself that there is always way more good than bad, no matter how bad the event or situation may have felt at the time it happened.
This practice helps me ‘hang” whatever is going on for me or my business and leave it in my journal so that I can come home ready to be available and excited to see my kids and wife. I want to give them as much as I give my work and clients--sometimes a really big ask!
I have already noticed that by doing this each day, I am more upbeat and ready to take on the day, no matter what I have on my schedule or extra stuff that will need my attention.
I would love to hear what your lenten promise is or what resolutions you have made for yourself this year. The key for me to keeping this promise is being specific and having someone to be accountable to. I love this time of year to refocus and gather habits that fill my bucket and make me a better father, husband, boss and friend.
Happy Spring!